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"Killenworth" Main House,
Michael (guest)
11 months ago:
Now a Russian Embassy building.
"Cole Farm"/"Quaker Lane",
Carol (guest)
5 years ago:
When I looked at the Belcher Hyde maps, it looks as if the land was owned by the Willets and not the Coles.
"Cole Farm"/"Quaker Lane",
Carol (guest)
5 years ago:
This is my home. I have been enjoying Wikimapia for some time. It's so exciting to see my house on here!
Old Powers Chemco Plant,
Dawn (guest)
6 years ago:
My father worked there from when he was out of High School until his retirement. He worked underground with only a red light bulb in the room mixing emulsion with his bare arms for many years. That was before OSHA came in. The whites of his eyes were mostly silver in color. He died of Lou Gehrig's disease. A few years later a co- worker in the dame department died of the same illness. So yes, exposure to contaminants is a good question. Our family did have someone research the connection and there was some proof that ALS could be chemically induced.
Old Powers Chemco Plant,
Rob Wagner (guest)
6 years ago:
Does anyone remember the name of the bar across the street? My wife and I had our first kiss at a Christmas party there in 1977.
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